Frequently Asked Questions
1. Do I have to bring my own vehicle/caravan?
You will need to supply your own 4WD vehicle with low range gearing for the Off Road Courses, we can have up to 2 people in one vehicle for the duration of the course.
In regard to towing we recommend that you bring your own van/trailer so that you learn on what you will be using after the course. We have a small number of vans for hire at our Equestrian Centre location in NSW and at selected QLD venues. Hire is subject to availability and the hire cost is additional to the training course cost- if you wish to hire one of our vans you will need to bring along a vehicle that is capable of towing 2.5T with a tow bar, tow ball (50mm round) and towing electric brakes fitted.
2, Do I have to get a certificate?
No you don't, but if you do not wish to get a certificate or complete the online component of the course you will just need to let us know in writing via email so that we can make the necessary changes to your enrolment. (This will also stop us from bothering you with follow-up notifications about finishing the course...)
3. What is accredited training and why should I get a certificate?
Click here for an explanation of accredited training and certification.
4. How does the course work?
Click here for an explanation of what to expect from your accredited course.
5. What is a USI?
A USI is your individual education number for life. It also gives you an online record of your VET training undertaken in Australia.
If you are undertaking nationally recognised training delivered by a registered training organisation you will need to have a Unique Student Identifier (USI). Without one, you cannot get your qualification or statement of attainment.
Click here for more information about USI's
Cloud Assess is our online training portal.
Click here for more information about how cloud Assess works.
1. What do I need to bring on the day?
- A valid driver's licence.
- Bring your own device, (phone, tablet, or laptop) with your own internet connection so that you can access the eLearning platform at the course.
- Depending on the course, you need to supply your own roadworthy 4WD with low range gearing for Off Road Skills or a roadworthy tow vehicle and caravan/trailer/horse float if completing a Towing Course.
- P.P.E. (Personal protective equipment) e.g Sturdy shoes, work gloves.
- Your own lunch, drinks, refreshment and chair- our courses are not held in areas where food or drink is readily available.
- Clothing suitable for expected weather conditions.